After a Free Time of 7(seven) days, including Sundays and holidays, from the date of discharging the container from the Vessel up to the return of the empty container, the following demurrage rates shall apply:
For Dry Containers :
From the 8th to 14th day USD 15 per day per 20’ container USD 30 per day per 40’ container
From the 15th and thereafter USD 25 per day per 20’ container USD 40 per day per 40’ container
After above mentioned standard free time, receivers are subject to pay the following demurrage fees for “Open Top” and “Flat Rack” containers.
From the 8th to 14th day USD 30 per day per 20’ container USD 50 per day per 40’ container USD 60 per day per 40’ Flat Rack
From the 15th and thereafter USD 40 per day per 20’ container USD 70 per day per 40’ container USD 80 per day per 40’ Flat Rack
• All expenses occurred at discharging port shall be debited separately.
• The carrier has the right to strip undelivered cargo from the container(s) after 60(sixty) days from date when they are discharged at the Port of Discharge.
• The cargo carried under this Bill of Lading may be carried on-deck or under-deck on Carrier’s option.
• In case the containers are not returned to owner’s depot within 70 (seventy) days after picking up, in addition to the demurrage charges incurred until 70th day, the value of the containers as USD 5,500.00 per 20′ container and USD 8,500.00 per 40′ container shall apply. In the event the amount of demurrage exceeds the value of the container, the carrier is under no obligation to accept value of container as compensation of container demurrage.
• In case the cargo is not received then the shipper or the contractual counterparty of the carrier on the contract of carriage shall be responsible for the demurrage and the relevant costs and expenses.
• For the shipments to and from the USA, aside from above tariff, Merchant acknowledges and agrees with the terms and conditions of the Carrier’s applicable tariff, from the Place of Receipt or the Port of Loading, whichever is applicable, to the Port of Discharge or the Place of Delivery, whichever is applicable for the free time, demurrage, per diem, storage and detention which is available on the Arkas Line web site www.arkasline.com.tr/en/, www.dmstradeservices.com or/and can be obtained from any Arkas agent.
• Shipper’s stow, load, count and seal.
After a Free Time of 5 (five) days, including Sundays and holidays, from the date of discharging the container from the Vessel up to the return of the empty container, the following demurrage rates shall apply:
From the 6th to 11th day USD 80 per day per 40’ container
From the 12th and thereafter USD 160 per day per 40’ container
• All expenses occurred at discharging port shall be debited separately.
• The carrier has the right to strip undelivered cargo from the container(s) after 15(fifteen) days from date when they are discharged at the Port of Discharge.
• The cargo carried under this Bill of Lading may be carried on-deck or under-deck on Carrier’s option.
• In case the reefer containers are not returned to owner’s depot within 30 (thirty) days after picking up, in addition to the demurrage charges incurred until 30th day, the value of the containers as USD 20,000.00 per 20′ container and USD 40,000.00 per 40′ container shall apply. In the event the amount of demurrage exceeds the value of the container, the carrier is under no responsibility to accept value of container as compensation of container demurrage.
• In case the cargo is not received then the shipper or the contractual counterparty of the carrier on the contract of carriage shall be responsible for the demurrage and the relevant costs and expenses.
• For the shipments to and from the USA, aside from above tariff, Merchant acknowledges and agrees with the terms and conditions of the Carrier’s applicable tariff, from the Place of Receipt or the Port of Loading, whichever is applicable, to the Port of Discharge or the Place of Delivery, whichever is applicable for the free time, demurrage, per diem, storage and detention which is available on the Arkas Line web site www.arkasline.com.tr/en/, www.dmstradeservices.com or/and can be obtained from any Arkas agent.
• Shipper’s stow, load, count and seal.