Health & Safety Policy

At Arkas Line, we aim to maintain our leadership in the industry through our Integrated Management System, continuously improving our processes through innovative activities while providing international multimodal container transport services.

We recognize that our responsibilities to our shareholders and the environment require us to go beyond legal and regulatory obligations. Minimizing the negative impact of our operations on the environment, constantly improving our process performance, and encouraging our employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to adopt the same practices are key principles of our policy. This policy is an inseparable part of our overall business strategy and approach.

To implement this policy, we are committed to:

• Being customer-focused and ensuring continuous customer satisfaction,

• Meeting our obligations by monitoring legal and other requirements, managing changes while delivering our services, ensuring occupational health and safety, and managing our environmental impact,

• Developing systems to ensure health and safety, prevent workplace accidents, and control risks during our operations,

• Safeguarding our stakeholders’ physical and mental health, with a particular focus on protecting them from occupational illnesses,

• Maintaining our commitment to environmental preservation, respecting human life, preventing pollution, minimizing the environmental impact of our operations in the maritime and other sectors, and reducing our consumption of natural resources to the lowest possible levels,

• Continuously striving to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, using natural resources responsibly, and preventing pollution of the seas by our vessels,

• Regularly publishing our policies and key performance data,

• Raising awareness through our practices and meeting the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 standards with the active participation of our employees, while regularly updating our policy to align with our objectives and goals.