Blue for Green

Blue for Green Initiative

At Arkas Line, we place environmental sustainability at the core of our business and recognize our responsibility towards nature. To engage all employees in our sustainability priorities, we launched the Arkas Blue for Green initiative at the end of 2022. This initiative, organized by the Sustainability and Human Resources directorates, focuses on a series of annual events that reflect our commitment to the environment. The heart symbol in the Blue for Green logo embodies our wholehearted dedication to creating a sustainable future, rooted in a sincere and shared effort.

Green Office Initiative

By the end of 2023, we introduced the Green Office Initiative during Arkas Line budget meetings. The goal of these initiatives is to conserve water and energy, reduce waste, and foster employee awareness on environmental issues across all Arkas Line offices.

Blue for Green Award & EcordingApp

With reference to our Green Office Initiative, we started our first incentive program Blue for Green Award system to promote sustainable behaviour within workplace among our employees. We collaborated with a start-up EcordingApp that focuses on ecosystem restoration via environmental and social tasks through application. Also, the employees will be collecting eco-points through the app to win special awards that support sustainable lifestyle and the office that shows the best improvement on energy consumption and waste management will be wining the Blue for Green Trophy.

Green Talks

Our Green Talks series is another pillar of the Blue for Green initiative, providing a platform for education and discussion on key environmental issues. Notable events include:
  • May 2022: A webinar with Environmental Scientist Dr. Uygar Ozesmi on “The Role of Companies and Individuals in the Future of Our Planet,” attended by 204 participants.
  • June 2022: A session with Environmental Projects Manager Daghan M. Yazici on “Combating Climate Change and Corporate Zero Waste Journey,” attended by 137 participants.
  • November 2022: An interview with Asli Dede, Founder & Editor of Sustainable Living School & Yesil Cocuk (Green Child), on “Waste Management at Home and at Work for the Future of the Planet.”
  • January 2023: A webinar on “Feed the Planet and Your Future” with Nutritionist and Sustainable Life Activist Dilara Kocak.
  • July 2023: A “Sustainable Kitchen Workshop” with Chef and Lecturer Semen Oner, where 47 participants made various dishes using leftover foods.


World Environment Day

We have conducted a painting activity under the theme “Arkas and the Environment” with an attendance of 14 kids as part of the World Environment Day. At the end of the event, we presented a book called Yesil Karincalar (Green Ants) to all of them.

Turmepa – Coastal Cleanup

In cooperation with Turmepa, we have organized a Coastal Cleanup event with 36 participants, including Arkas employees and their families. A total of 40 kg of waste was collected at the end of the event.